Good Shepherd Parish
Mount Isa
This website is designed as a source of information for our parishioners and visitors, and provides an insight into the vibrant Catholic Community of Mount Isa, North West Queensland.
Rev. Fr. Mick Lowcock
Parish Priest
Good Shepherd Catholic Parish is a Catholic Parish in Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia. As part of the Townsville Catholic Diocese, the parish includes the Mass centres in Richmond, Julia Creek, Camooweal, Cloncurry, Boulia and Dajarra. The details for Mount Isa are below:
SATURDAY 6.00pm Mass
SUNDAY 7.30am, 9.00am & 6.00pm Mass
11.30am – 12 noon
​Sunday 10.30am
Alternative times can be arranged through consultation with Father Mick.
Our Priests
Fr Michael Lowcock VG
Fr Mick is the parish priest of Mt Isa Parish Parish, Cloncurry, St Patrick's Winton, St Brigid's Richmond and Vicar General.
Member of the College of Consultors, Diocesan Finance Council and Vocations Director.
He is also a Police Chaplain.
Fr Emene Kelemete
Fr Emene is the Associate Priest in Mt Isa Parish Parish and Cloncurry, St Patrick's Winton and St Brigid's Richmond.
He was Ordained to the Priesthood on 30 October 2019.
Fr Sylvester Emetuche
Fr Sylvester Emetuche is Associate Priest in Mt Isa Parish Parish, Cloncurry, St Patrick's Winton and St Brigid's Richmond.
Catholic Diocese of Townsville
Catholic Diocesan Centre
266-270 Stanley Street
(PO Box 6149)
Townsville, Qld 4810
Ph: (07) 4726 3200