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Multicultural Festival
Cultural Fashion Parade

At Good Shepherd Parish, Mount Isa, we are proud to be a diverse, multicultural community. The annual multicultural festival is a celebration of our culture and a great way for us to come together and share our stories. During the festival, we host a range of activities including the traditional dress fashion parade.


There are several ways you can register for the Cultural Fashion Parade!

  1. Register online below - your submission will be emailed directly to the Parish Office.

  2. Download and complete the PDF Registration Form (to do this, click on the registration form below). This should then be emailed to: OR submitted in person to the Parish Office on Stanley Street. 

  3. Register at the event on Friday 1 September (although this is not preferred). You must arrive to the Church (17 Stanley Street) at 5pm if you are completing registration on the day of the Festival.

2024 Multicultural Festival - cultural fashion parade.png
2024 Multicultural Festival - cultural fashion parade.png

2024 Multicultural Festival Cultural Fashion Parade Registration Form

If preferred, you can complete the form below to register for the 2024 Multicultural Festival Cultural Fashion Parade. For entrants, you will need to arrive at the Church (17 Stanley Street) at 5:30pm on Friday 6 September.

You don't need to complete a hard copy form if submitting

the online form below.


Age Category (only select 1)


I give permission for my child (if under 18) / Self (if over 18) to be photographed during the Multicultural Festival event. I understand and agree to give permission to publish the photograph in any media for use by the Multicultural Festival.

Thanks for submitting!

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