Drop in Centre
About Jangawala Drop in Centre
Jangawala Drop-In Centre is a facility run by the North West Queensland Indigenous Catholic Social Services (NWQICSS) in conjunction with Good Shepherd Parish. The service aims to ensure that people in need are provided with one nutritious meal daily. The Drop-In Centre is mainly facilitated by volunteers who graciously accept food donations from local super markets and shops. Jangawala is a safe space, which is open to all and continues to operate through the generosity of those in the Good Shepherd Community.
We always welcome, and would greatly appreciate new volunteers to cook or serve for the Jangawala Kitchen:
During the week you can volunteer your time from 9am until approximately 2pm or any part thereof.
Volunteering over the weekend or on Public Holidays takes place from 12pm until 2pm
We also appreciate anyone who has the time to cook meals for us to serve from the kitchen. If available, arrangements can be made through the Good Shepherd Parish Office for delivery.
If you are able to volunteer, please contact the Parish Office by phone (4749 8555) or send an email to the Parish Secretary.